Pancake Bot Discord Slot Machine

Type ,help (or ,h for short) for a DM containing all the commands. Type ,help <command> for more info on a command.

,profile,pShow your leveler progress. Default to yourself.
,profilesetChange settings of your profile.
,toplevel,lbShow the server leaderboard!

A multifunction Discord bot. Contribute to aikaterna/Red-DiscordBot development by creating an account on GitHub. 12:29 PM k6ka: b!beer 12:29 PM BOT blargbot: attempts to send @k6ka a mug of beer, but throws it a little too hard and sends the liquid splashing all over @k6ka. 12:29 PM Daryurian: Lmao Blargy sends the wrong reply edit source December 14, 2018 9:27 PM k6ka: @blargbot Are you rich? 9:28 PM BOT blargbot: No but my botmaster is named.

,bank,bManage the bank.
,bank balance,balShow the user's account balance.
,leaderboard,clbPrint the currency leaderboard.
,payday,pdGet some free currency.
,payoutsShow the payouts for the slot machine.
,slotUse the slot machine.
,adventure,aThis will send you on an adventure!
,backpack,abThis shows the contents of your backpack.
,backpack trade,atTrade an item from your backpack to another user.
,equip,aeThis equips an item from your backpack.
,heroclassThis allows you to select a class if you are Level 10.
,loadoutSetup various adventure settings.
,loot,alThis opens one of your precious treasure chests.
,loot normal,alnThis opens one of your normal treasure chests.
,skill,askThis allows you to spend skillpoints.
,stats,asThis draws up a charsheet of you or an optionally specifi...
,unequipThis stashes a specified equipped item into your backpa...
,allinBets all your currency for a chance to win big!
,blackjack,bjPlay a game of blackjack.
,casino,cInteracts with the Casino system.
,casino info,ciInteracts with the Casino system.
,coinCoin flip game with a 50/50 chance to win.
,crapsPlays a modified version of craps
,cupsGuess which cup of three is hiding the coin.
,diceRoll a set of dice and win on 2, 7, 11, 12.
,doublePlay a game of Double Or Nothing.
,hiloPick high, low, or 7 in a dice rolling game.
,warPlay a modified game of war.
,trivia list,trvcList available trivia categories.
,trivia [categories...],trvStart trivia session on the specified categories.
,trivia stop,trv stopStop an ongoing trivia session.
,inspireme,ibFetch a random 'inspirational message' from the bot.
,fertilize,gfFertilize the soil.
,fertilize manure,gfmFertilize the soil with manure.
,fertilize vermicompost,gfvFertilize the soil with vermicompost.
,fertilize nitrates,gfnFertilize the soil with nitrates.
,gardening buy,gbBuy gardening supplies.
,gardening convert,gcvExchange Thneeds for credits.
,gardening plant,gplLook at the details of a plant.
,gardening plants,gplsLook at the list of the available plants.
,gardening profile,gpfCheck your gardening profile.
,gardening seed,gsePlant a seed inside the earth.
,gardening state,gtCheck the state of your plant.
,gardening,gGardening commands.
,prune,gprPrune your plant.
,shovel,gshShovel your plant out.
,water,gwWater your plant.
,cahcreditsCode credits.
,cahgamesDisplays up to 10 CAH games in progress.
,chatBroadcasts a message to the other players in your game.
,flushhandFlushes the cards in your hand - can only be done onc...
,gameDisplays the game's current status.
,handShows your hand.
,idlekickSets whether or not to kick members if idle for 5 minu...
,joinbotAdds a bot to the game. Can only be done by the player...
,joinbotsAdds bots to the game. Can only be done by the player...
,joincahJoin a Cards Against Humanity game. If no id or user i...
,laidShows who laid their cards and who hasn't.
,layLays a card or cards from your hand. If multiple cards are...
,leavecahLeaves the current game you're in.
,newcahStarts a new Cards Against Humanity game.
,pickAs the judge - pick the winning card(s).
,removebotRemoves a bot from the game. Can only be done by the...
,removeplayerRemoves a player from the game. Can only be done ...
,scoreDisplay the score of the current game.

This bot is able to do many commands to suit your Discord Server needs!
It can do the following:

addrole Add a role to a user.
announceset Change how announcements are sent in this guild.
editrole Edit role settings.
removerole Remove a role from a user.
selfrole Apply selfroles.
selfroleset Manage selfroles.

alias Manage command aliases.

audioset Music configuration options.
audiostats Audio stats.
autoplay Starts auto play.
bump Bump a track number to the top of the queue.
bumpplay Force play a URL or search for a track.
disconnect Disconnect from the voice channel.
eq Equalizer management.
genre Pick a Spotify playlist from a list of categories to start playing from.
llsetup Lavalink server configuration options.
local Local playback commands.
now Now playing.
pause Pause or resume a playing track.
percent Queue percentage.
play Play a URL or search for a track.
playlist Playlist configuration options.
prev Skip to the start of the previously played track.
queue List the songs in the queue.
remove Remove a specific track number from the queue.
repeat Toggle repeat.
search Pick a track with a search.
seek Seek ahead or behind on a track by seconds or a to a specific point.
shuffle Toggle shuffle.
skip Skip to the next track, or to a given track number.
stop Stop playback and clear the queue.
summon Summon the bot to a voice channel.
volume Set the volume, 1% - 150%.

autorole Change settings for autorole.

away Tell the bot you’re away or back.
awaysettings View your current away settings.
awaytextonly Toggle forcing the guild’s away messages to be text only.
dnd Set an automatic reply when you’re dnd.
gaming Set an automatic reply when you’re playing a specified game.
idle Set an automatic reply when you’re idle.
listening Set an automatic reply when you’re listening to Spotify.
offline Set an automatic reply when you’re offline.
streaming Set an automatic reply when you’re streaming.
toggleaway Toggle away messages on the whole server.

bankset Base command for bank settings.

chatchart Generates a pie chart, representing the last 5000 messages

cleanup Delete messages.

autoimmune Server settings for immunity from automated actions.
contact Sends a message to the owner.
invite Show’s Mystify’s invite url.
licenseinfo Get info about Red’s licenses.
uptime Shows Mystify’s uptime.

customcom Custom commands management.

bank Manage the bank.
economyset Manage Economy settings.
leaderboard Print the leaderboard.
payday Get some free currency.
payouts Show the payouts for the slot machine.
slot Use the slot machine.

filter Add or remove words from server filter.
filterset Manage filter settings.

fivem Multiple checks for a FiveM server.
fivemset Commands group for FiveM cog.

8 Ask 8 ball a question.
choose Choose between multiple options.
flip Flip a coin… or a user.
lmgtfy Create a lmgtfy link.
roll Roll a random number.
rps Play Rock Paper Scissors.
serverinfo Show server information.
stopwatch Start or stop the stopwatch.
urban Search the Urban Dictionary.

giftat Giftaway a key to a specific channel.
giftaway Giftaway a key to a specific server.
giftawayset Group command for giftaway.
globalgift Giftaway a key to all servers.

gif Retrieve the first search result from Giphy.
gifr Retrieve a random GIF from a Giphy search.
giphycreds Explains how to set GIPHY API tokens.
imgur Retrieve pictures from Imgur.
imgurcreds Explain how to set imgur API tokens.

Discord Bots

invites Invite information.

addserver Set a server to track.
delserver Removes a server from the tracker
mcserver Display info about the specified server
mcset Settings for the server tracker

membercount Get count of all members + humans and bots separately

ban Ban a user from this server and optionally delete days of messages.
hackban Preemptively bans user(s) from the server.
kick Kick a user.
modset Manage server administration settings.
movedeletedelay Move deletedelay settings to core.
moveignoredchannels Move ignored channels and servers to core.
mute Mute users.
names Show previous names and nicknames of a user.
rename Change a user’s nickname.
slowmode Changes channel’s slowmode setting.
softban Kick a user and delete 1 day’s worth of their messages.
tempban Temporarily ban a user from this server.
unban Unban a user from this server.
unmute Unmute users.
userinfo Show information about a user.
voiceban Ban a user from speaking and listening in the server’s voice chats
voicekick Kick a member from a voice channel.
voiceunban Unban a user from speaking and listening in the server

case Show the specified case.
casesfor Display cases for the specified member.
modlogset Manage modlog settings.
reason Specify a reason for a modlog case.

Pancake Discord Bot

report Send a report.
reportset Manage Reports.

Music Bot Discord Pancake

avatar Display a users avatar in chat
botstats Display stats about the bot
channeledit Modify channel options
channelstats Gets total messages in a specific channel as well the most active members.
emoji Post a large size emojis in chat.
getreactions Gets a list of all reactions from specified messages.
getroles Displays all roles their ID and number of members in own server.
guildedit Edit various guild settings.
guildemojis Display all server emojis in a menu.
listchannels Lists channels and their position and ID.
nummembers Display number of users on a server.
pruneroles Perform various actions on users who haven’t spoken in a while.
removeguildjoin Stop bots join/leave server messages.
serverstats Gets total messages on the server and displays each channels stats.
setguildjoin Set a channel to see new servers the bot is joining.
topic Sets a specified channels topic.
topmembers Lists top members on the server by join date.
whois Display servers a user shares with the bot.

strawpoll Create a new strawpoll!


picarto Check if a Picarto channel is live.
smashcast Check if a smashcast channel is live.
streamalert Manage automated stream alerts.
streamset Manage stream alert settings.
twitchstream Check if a Twitch channel is live.
youtubestream Check if a YouTube channel is live.

addreason Add a reason to a rejected suggestion.
approve Approve a suggestion.
reject Reject a suggestion. Reason is optional.
setsuggest Suggestion settings
showsuggestion Show a suggestion.
suggest Suggest something. Message is required.

ticket Manage a ticket.
ticketer All ticketer settings.

trivia Start trivia session on the specified category.
triviaset Manage Trivia settings.

Discord Pancake Bot Commands

actionlist List all configured automated actions for Warnings.
mywarnings List warnings for yourself.
reasonlist List all configured reasons for Warnings.
unwarn Remove a warning from a user.
warn Warn the user for the specified reason.
warnaction Manage automated actions for Warnings.
warnings List the warnings for the specified user.
warningset Manage settings for Warnings.
warnreason Manage warning reasons.